Saturday, May 27, 2023

Annual visits to this page

Life is flowing fast yet smooth. I do feel lucky everytime I retrospect through the tough times i have been through. 

I miss my parents a lot - wish they could come over more often - wish they too experienced the luxury or rather the comfortable life that i am leading here. 

I heard somewhere recently - whatever you do - make sure you are loving yourself. This thought kind of stuck to me - yet another attempt of being selfish. I really need to learn that trick in life. 

I received an award for always saying yes and for always helping everyone. Not sure if I should feel good or pity myself for it. Nonetheless being appreciated surely felt amazing. 

It is a race - more like a marathon - struggling to stay on track without losing myself in this whole deal. 

Being alone is becoming more and more comfortable with time - not sure if i would wish to let go of this comfort zone!