Wednesday, April 29, 2009


what??why are you looking at me like this??do i look like some alien??only because you cant relate to it doesn't necessarily mean i am crazy..
i dont understand what you i criticize you ever??you have got a bunch of people in your life i dont wanna know..i am busy with the people and the thoughts i have in my mind...just becuase you cant see them you force me to have those bitter tablets everyday...i tried to make you all understand but no one could listen to what i one could see wat i could...
just because my reality is different from yours, you dont listen to me...why dont you understand its just my world..not that i avoid you all..i love being with you too but then you all dont have much time for me and my world...that is understandable
i have grown up now...i came out of everything that matters to you...

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