Saturday, May 23, 2020

Annual thought sharing!

This is bizarre -  almost a year and I am back! Not sure if it is just a coincidence, the mind wants to look for signs in every direction. Yea, it is that 'looking for signs' kind of phase that I am passing through. It is being said by many, that life is constantly showing us but we tend to ignore! Well, now that I am trying so hard to read signs, I only hope I dont end up making it all up in my head :P

I have been successful in moving on with my life, well, to some extent. Got a new job, new responsibilities and more.

Life is not bad at all. The year though is getting a bit scary. My only thought being able to reach home to my parents.

A sudden thought that passed my mind today - What if all three of us.. mom, dad and I, could die together like at the same time. There will not be any pain of one losing the other..will be peaceful..i guess.

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